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In The Beginning...(or Setting Specific Goals.)

For any of you that follow me on instagram (@sparksconditioning) or have spent time with me personally, you know that I believe fitness & health is far bigger than simply looking good, hence the hashtag #ItsBiggerThanFitness.

You would also know that I believe that concrete goals to aim for provide us with passion and fuel as well as a way to measure and manage our progress, hence the hashtag #WhatAreYouChasing?

So, let's get specific about your goals - about what you are chasing! Knowing this will fuel you to stay committed to yourself to reach your goals for yourself and those you care about. Enough from me, time for you to get started!

Exercise 1: What & Why 1. What is your specific goal for the next 90 days? Write it down. On paper. In pen. Don't continue until that is done.

2. Why must you achieve this goal? Why will achieving this goal make your life better and the lives of those around you better? Why will you do everything in your power to make this goal a reality?

Your answer to number two has got to excite you. It has got to be a reason bigger than fitness! Something that really fires you up & gets you going!

Exercise 2: Measure & Manage The second exercise is going to be your before pictures. Get into something that shows your body and take a front side and back shot of what you look like. Date the picture. Next, you will grab a measuring tape and then measure & record your measurements for the following areas:

1. Around your chest.

2. Around the thickest part of each arm.

3. Around your belly button.

4. Around your real waist.

5. Around the thickest part of each thigh.

Last, you will get on a scale and record the number. Wait until you wake up in the morning and have gone to the bathroom. Then, get on the scale. Date & record the number.

That's it! Now you have some concrete numbers to measure in 90 days!

Now, time to get to work. Have fun! Mark Sparks.

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