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The Body You Desire And Deserve Won't Be Built In A Day But Each Day Is Needed To Build The Body

Fact - You won't build the vision - that is body you desire and deserve - in a day.

You won't build it in a week or a month or, for many of you, even in a year.

What you will do with your habitual work day after day after day is build a stronger version of yourself mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally as you continue to work and time marches on.

And what that stronger version of you will be is able to do what you can't do now. Which means that stronger version of you will be able to yield results that the current you could only wish for but never attain.

What that stronger version of you in a year from now will be is closer to becoming the best version of you that you can become. That stronger version of you will do things that it will look at as routine that the current version of you would be in awe over. Imagine being able to do dozens of push ups with ease, or squat your current one rep max for sets, or have the bodyfat percentage you are aiming for, or be the dress size you wish you were last Christmas or.... get it? Well those are things that the stronger version of you will have - but only if you dedicate yourself to being that version of yourself one year from today.

Too often too many people quit after a short while - a year or less - dedicated to building the body they desire and deserve. And, worse, they start and stop for a month at a time 4 or 5 times in a year only to be heart broken each time they restart.

There are loads of fictitious statements floating around the fitness world. One of them is that you can make huge gains in a short time. That simply isnt' true but, as a wise man onece said to me, the time is going to pass anyways - may as well build what you desire and deserve while it does; in and out of the gym.

So give yourself a year, stick to your plan, work smart and hard and habitually and stick to the plan as you trust the process. I promise you, you'll surprise yourself.

Mark Sparks Certified Conditioning Specialist and Certified Hope Dealer who is

fueled on this journey knowing that It Is Bigger Than Fitness.

Instagram @Sparksconditioning for more information.

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