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Day Eight

Welcome to day eight. Congratulaions on making it this far. No, we are not at the end but why waith until then to congratulate yourself?! Now, time to get back to work as we make way towards our goals. Speaking of goals, when is the last time you spoke yours aloud? Let's start today's workout with just that. Take a moment and read those goals you wrote down and posted aloud to yourself. Get excited about how you will feel to achieve them and then let's get back to working towards them.

For today's workout we're going to take it back to day two (click here).

First we'll complete the 16 minute yoga for beginners strength building workout by Rodney Yee (click here).

Next, like day two, you are going to complete several abominal planks but instead of 4 sets of up to a minute you are going to aim for five sets, beating your times for each of the first four sets you completed on day two (you did write down how long you held your planks for on day two right? If you didn't write it down then, be sure to do it today.

Enjoy your workout and your next step! And see you tomorrow for Day nine.

Mark Sparks

sparksconditioning on instagram

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